Friday 27 November 2009


Day count - 54.

Thank you!

Your kind words are very much appreciated.

I'm still on a high.
Sorry if I made you cry*

*I'm a poet and didn't even know it!

PS. I've been out drinking.

Wednesday 25 November 2009


Day count - 53.

Today has got to be, without doubt, the greatest day of my life.

Our 1st appointment at Jessops was 08:30 this morning.

To be fair, I hate hospitals but I was certainly prepared to endure one today.
Even when I had to sit next to a woman who had taken a cup from the water fountain, disappeared with it, and returned with it brimming with warm urine.

Now I know they have bottles for that kind of thing, as I had a full one placed next to my morning cuppa only hours before!

Anyway, I digress.

After much moaning (again) about queueing, late appointments and the general state of the country, we were ushered into a scanning room.

The sonographer (I had done done my homework!!) was a lovely woman who got straight to task. No messing. Good.

A bit of gel and rummaging about and "BANG"....there it was!
I can honestly say I have never felt a feeling like it.
The tiniest of heartbeats, there for all to see (well, only me and the sonographer at this stage)

Happiness, relief, pride, joy and hope.
I cried.

So there he/she is.
Little Burt or Edie.

I couldn't physically be any happier!!

Wednesday 18 November 2009


Day count - 46

I've heard about this unpleasant side effect of pregnancy.
I'm now living it.
Even the dog is at it.

Maybe Karen should hold off on the Baby Knits and get cracking on one of these

Either that, or I'll break my own nose!

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Wid Miffery

Day count - 32.

Jo the midwife came today.
Only the second person, in authority, we have met with so far.
I don't know why I feel this need to see persons in the "trade" as it were.
Maybe its to add realism to the situation? If I'm being honest, it still doesn't seem that real, all this pregnancy malarkey.
I mean, there's nowt to show for it. Other than Karen's general annoyance in my direction, and that's pretty standard stuff really.

She was very nice, but I'm guessing most midwives are.
We got some stuff (books and vouchers for more stuff) and were asked questions, some of which I found strangely amusing.
"Have you or your husband used 'street drugs' or abused solvents recently?"
I did have to stop myself saying "Only this week, I've been down the park with a carrier bag and a large tub of Brywax. Would this harm my unborn child?"

I suppose they have to ask these questions, as any smack head can get pregnant.
Presumably they procreate in between slamming crystal meth.

This aside, I did have moments of serious thought, especially around the tests we could have.
Downs syndrome is now screened free at the 12 week scan, and we would need to think about the possible results.
I had read this article on the front page of the BBC News website a couple of weeks ago, and the 1 in 85 odds were still fresh in my mind.
I never thought I would have to think about these things and it made me realise that the only thing expectant parents want is a healthy baby.
Its hard not to get bogged down by these things.
So I wont.

All in all, today was good. A chance to ask questions and be told that everything was going well.
Plus, I got 3 hours off work, which is always a bonus.

I'm now looking forward to 3 weeks time when I can add another professional to my list of authoritative figures.

Definitely should feel more real with the sound of a heartbeat!